
Historical Events in 216 BC


Igbos Have Accepted Tinubu As President, We Appeal For Nnamdi Kanu's Release Ohanaeze

Simultaneously, he appealed for the release of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu. Iwuayanwu made these remarks in an interview with Arise Television on Sunday. Despite IPOB asserting that Kanus ongoing detention is unconstitutional and advocating for a legal right to self-determination under the United Nations laws and the Africa

Lady stirs debate after saying boys like asking girls 'have you eaten?'

- A Nigerian lady, Lola, has created some 'whirlwind' on Twitter after coming hard on Nigerian boys for being 'uncreative' - Lola said that they are always fond of asking their girls if they have eaten, a question which soon becomes boring

Liste deutscher Mrchen - Lingoda

Auf der Suche nach einer Liste der berhmtesten deutschen Mrchen entsteht hufig der Eindruck, als stammte ein Groteil davon aus der Feder der Gebrder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm. Das entspricht nicht vllig der Wahrheit, ganz falsch ist es aber auch nicht. Die Gebrder Grimm sammelten ber 200 Mrchen, darunter Klassiker wie Rumpelstilzchen oder Aschenputtel. Dabei

NASA Wants High-Tech Smart Glasses for Astronauts

March 12, 2015 12:02 PM EDT You may not want Google Glass, but high-tech, interactive glasses sound pretty good to NASA. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is developing computerized glasses that can show astronauts how to repair a ship or conduct an experiment in space, Bloomberg reports.