
May 2 Birthdays | Famous Birthdays

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MSNBC Host Melissa Harris-Perry Apologizes to Romney Family

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry offered an unreserved and tearful apology on her show Saturday for remarks she made last week about Mitt Romneys family and his recently adopted African-American grandson.

New Study on IQ and Income: I Bullied Myself Into Breastfeeding

Brace ourselves, mamas. Scientists in Brazil have discovered more evidence to support the theory that the breastfed shall inherit the earth. Not only are breastfed babies supposedly more resistant to sickness, better bonded with their mothers, and less likely to die from SIDS, but now we are to believe they are going to grow up

People Are Going Back in Time to See Their First Liked Post on Instagram

Instagram users are revisiting the first post they liked on Instagram, and many users want to know how they can find that information themselves. Scrolling through your own Instagram profile can make you nostalgic for your own memories, but there are also other ways to activate your nostalgia on the platform. Recently, Twitter and other

The Story of Jenna Ortega Who Overcame Prejudices and Found Fame by Staying True to Herself

Asayoung Latino actress, Jenna has worked hard toovercome prejudices and typecasting within Hollywood and beyond. Itisnosecret that Hollywood and other huge movie industries fall into the habit ofclich casting. Infact, 6.2% ofthe roles inmovies in2017 were played byLatino actors and actresses. Take alook atJennas rise tofame and her success asaLatina actress.